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MATLAB & Simulink product Family


What's new in the latest release of MATLAB and Simulink

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. MATLAB, the language of engineers andscientists, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numericcomputation. Simulink is a block diagram environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain andembedded engineering systems. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on these products to accelerate the pace ofdiscovery, innovation, and development in automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, industrialautomation, and other industries. MATLAB and Simulink are fundamental teaching and research tools in the world'stop universities and learning institutions. Founded in 1984, MathWorks employs more than 6,000 people in 34 officesaround the world, with headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, USA. For additional information, visit

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About MathWorks

MathWorks, headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, is the world’s leading developer and supplier of mathematical computing software. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on its products to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, and development. MathWorks since its inception in 1984, is privately held. MathWorks produces a comprehensive family of over 90+ software tools for engineers and scientists.These tools are based on MATLAB®, the industry-standard language for technical computing. MATLAB combines numeric computation and visualization with an easy-to-use programming language. MATLAB and related tools are invaluable for data acquisition, data analysis, algorithm development, data visualization, and application development.The Simulink® product family builds on MATLAB, adding functionality for Model-Based Design, system-level simulation, and implementation of embedded systems. Simulink provides a block-diagram environment for modeling, simulating, and implementing complex systems—particularly for control, DSP, and communications systems. Other Simulink tools are Stateflow®, for modeling and implementing even-driven systems; Real-Time Workshop®, for automatically generating real-time code; and xPC Target, for rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop testing.

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MATLAB and Simulink are used throughout the automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, and industrial automation industries as fundamental tools for research and development. They are also used for modeling and simulation in increasingly technical fields, such as financial services and computational biology. MATLAB and Simulink enable the design and development of a wide range of advanced products, including automotive systems, aerospace flight control and avionics, telecommunications and other electronics equipment, industrial machinery, and medical devices.
Campus-Wide License
MATLAB Access for University Faculty, Students, and Staff
More than 2,200 schools have a Campus-Wide License, which provides unlimited use of MATLAB and Simulink to all students, faculty, staff, and researchers, on and off campus, on any device. To gain access to these tools, create a MathWorks Account using your university email address.
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